Organizational Culture

Sana Imran
1 min readNov 23, 2020

Company culture is an integral part of the business and sets the defining values and customs of an organization. It creates the backbone of a happy and healthy workforce.

The culture I would build in my own organization would be focused on empowering and uplifting others to do good for the world. Some core values that will guide this to fruition would be compassion, integrity, respect, responsibility, and collaboration. This will create an environment where all employees are passionate about moving towards the same mission and create a motivating place to work.

Some redlines or violations to culture would be employees being focus solely on themselves and not lending a helping hand to others — whether it be employees or society as a whole. After establishing clear core values, anyone who does not believe in them would be violating company culture and not be a good fit for the team. Core values define what your organization believes and how you want your organization resonating with and appealing to employees and the external world. The core values should be so integrated with your employees and their belief systems and actions that clients, customers, and vendors see the values in action.

